Ways to Improve Work Ethic and Morale

     Improving work ethic and morale within a company is a relatively simple task and doesn't even need to revolve around money. In most cases, employees just want to feel as though they are being seen and heard by the company. 

     A few suggestions would include a suggestion form for employees to use when they are felling disgruntled about something. Opening and just listening to the ideas from your employees could create quick and easy solutions to problems that could have grown over time. Another way to increase ethic and morale is to simply recognize the employee. This could be for something such as staying late and going above and beyond, to celebrating a milestone within the company. People who tend to stay around for a long time often feel joy when they are given the recognition for being a loyal employee. Sometimes creating a culture within your company that promotes teamwork and bonding can also increase morale and ethic. Team building exercises designed to bring people together can increase teamwork and business relationships. When a company works on the principle of teamwork, everyone feels as though their job is just a little easier since they can rely on others for help and guidance.

     Money is not needed to be a motivator, but it does do the trick when it comes to motivating. An employee who feels as though the work they do does not represent their salary may leave and find somewhere they are more fairly compensated. As a company expects more from it’s employees, the pay scale should increase to match the work required.

Forbes goes into these into more detail, as well as adding, getting employees to buy into the company's system, promote employees from within, and making work a fun place to be. These can be found at Forbes 6 Ways to Increase Employee Morale. What else can a company do to provide increases to morale and work ethic?    

Credit to Tavorro (T.)

     This chart shows that money is not needed to motivate people. Most employees just want to feel as though they are being included and are part of the loop. It also shows the recognition, which is much cheaper, has the same effect as money. Words are a powerful tool, and we need to use them more.


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