The Decline of Work Ethic in the Workplace

      Work ethic is defined by how hard a person decided to work to accomplish the goals for both the company, and the employee themselves. Unfortunately, the work ethic in today's world has begun to decline. As new employees enter the workforce, and overwhelming sense of entitlement comes with them. People are wanting to move quickly through a company and get to their end goal as fast as they can, but they are also showing an unwillingness to sit and take the lumps that come with reaching their goals.

       I know right now, I am in the process of taking my lumps. I am currently working full time and attempting to go to school as well to better myself for the future. A lot of people though are not willing to take lower paying positions and simply get into a company. People with high work ethics know that getting a foot in the door with a company is the start of their careers. Hard work pays off in the end, and opportunities need time to blossom into something better.

      Today's society has become impatient and we are merely seeking the fastest, simplest route to our end game. This poor work ethic leads to poor work performance, unhappiness, and the failure to learn from your own mistakes. It also creates an environment where people are less engaged in their work and perform at a sub-par level, as depicted by the graph below.

      I manage at a convenience store, and I have noticed people becoming more and more resistant to doing tasks. The feeling of "that's not my job", "I don't want to get my hands dirty", or "can't someone else do that" are much more prevalent today. Stefanie Williams of the Huffington Post authored a piece to another person where she showed what she went through trying to get to where she is today. This article can be found at The Problem with Millennials and Work Ethic.

Credit to HRT News Desk

      This graph shows that people in the workforce are becoming more disengaged from their jobs. When an employee becomes disengaged, work performance suffers. The ability to care about one's work is not there, and that forces others to try and pick up the slack.


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